Boy 2 Kami X Kimiko Charlie
(Breeding rights: $-8)
Champion Parents
With Pedigree
Shiba Inu
11/19/2023 (58 weeks)
The Kimiko Charlie puppies are both red. 1 girl and 1 boy. They are very healthy and thriving. We have sent in their DNA in to determine additional traits and to clear for any genetic disease. Results are expected any day. This is the 3rd litter for Kimiko and the first litter sired by Kami. He was selected as “Best Puppy” a year ago at the AKC National Championships in Orlando. He will be competing December 2023 at the same venue as an adult for Best of Breed. We are particularly proud of this litter as both the dam and sire were bred by us, have all their recommended health checks, and repre