Divine Doxie World

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last modified on 12/22/2024
Litter: Melodie Mouse and Mickey Mouse
Status: Available
Breed: Dachshund
DOB: 09/05/2024
With Pedigree
These babies are all very anxiously awaiting their new homes!! They\'re all super sweet and pretty loving in general.
last modified on 12/22/2024
Litter: Zoey Johnson and Boo Johnson
Status: Available
Breed: Dachshund
DOB: 09/02/2024
With Pedigree
Last of his litter! He needs his forever home! Black and Tan longhaired
Litter: Violet Johnson and Ace of Spades
Status: Past Litter
Breed: Dachshund
DOB: 08/20/2024
With Pedigree
One puppy left. Solid black
Litter: Melodie Mouse and Ace of Spades
Status: Past Litter
Breed: Dachshund
DOB: 02/12/2024
With Pedigree
These babies are phenomenal!! There were 7 and the theme of the litter is the 7 virtues. There are currently 5 still rtg and available!!
Litter: Giselle Mouse and Ferdinand Fieldmouse
Status: Past Litter
Breed: Dachshund
DOB: 01/12/2024
With Pedigree
This was a litter ofv8, so they were Snow White and the 7 Dwarves!
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