Champion Parents
With Pedigree
French Bulldog
01/01/2024 (55 weeks)
Holly has the most loving personality and a beautiful coat and blue and white markings.
She comes when called and is going to make a great obedience puppy/adult if taught additional tricks and given more training.
She is just so cute and square, she will be around 20 pounds full grown.
2 year guarantee, vaccines and 2 vet checks.Microchip reg included. Ongoing breeder support for the life of your pet.
She comes when called and is going to make a great obedience puppy/adult if taught additional tricks and given more training.
She is just so cute and square, she will be around 20 pounds full grown.
2 year guarantee, vaccines and 2 vet checks.Microchip reg included. Ongoing breeder support for the life of your pet.