AKC Ahsoka
(Breeding rights: $2,300)
With Pedigree
05/04/2024 (38 weeks)
Meet Ahsoka ! Black & Tan, White Markings Long Coat female. Ready to go to her new home the week of 7/1/24. Current estimated adult weight 4.5-5.5 lbs. Pet price with limited AKC registration. Full AKC registration may be available, please message us for more information.
** If you are interested in putting a deposit on one of our puppies, the first step in the process is to fill out our Puppy Adoption Application on our website: https://www.chimneymountainchihuahuas.com/application
Once we have received the application, we will contact you via email to continue the process.
** If you are interested in putting a deposit on one of our puppies, the first step in the process is to fill out our Puppy Adoption Application on our website: https://www.chimneymountainchihuahuas.com/application
Once we have received the application, we will contact you via email to continue the process.