Charmed Onz Cavaliers

  • Available
  • Past Litters
  • My dogs
Currently, we do not have any upcoming litters of Cocker Spaniel.

Currently, we do not have any upcoming litters of Cocker Spaniel.

When a litter is born, we forward photographs, sex etc. to all on the waiting list and basically it is the first to call  and place their deposit of $400.00 plus tax has their choice. (total price for either male or female for limited AKC registration Cavalier (pet only) $1995.00 (plus taxes)  and for full AKC registration $3950.00 (plus taxes); for Cocker Spaniels and  Cockaliers male or female are $1495.00 (plus taxes) .
We will also supply anyone who is interested with references from members of our extended family; if you would like their names and phone numbers to inquire about us we are only too happy to give them to you.
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