Apricot Poodles & Goldendoodles, LLC

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last modified on 11/16/2023
Litter: Mini multigen Phantom Goldendoodles
Status: Pending Update
Breed: Goldendoodle
DOB: 11/15/2023
With Pedigree
Apricot P&Gs Lady of Halsey is our phantom small standard AKC poodle. Lady is 42lbs and is also co-registered with GANA. She is a smart, human-focused poodle and first time mom. Lady is expecting a litter of Phantom & Apricot miniature Goldendoodles. Wavy and curly coats possible. Puppies raised with Puppy Culture and early neurological stimulation. Raised in our home with our three children, daily handling. Puppy pick is in person or via Zoom at 6-7 weeks old. Puppy price is $4,000 with $500 deposit to hold puppy pick spot which goes towards final cost. Waitlist spots open after puppies arrive on November 13th!
last modified on 11/16/2023
Litter: Multigen Medium Goldendoodles
Status: Pending Update
Breed: Goldendoodle
DOB: 11/07/2023
With Pedigree
Apricot P&Gs Finley & Duke are expecting a repeat litter of medium multigenerational Goldendoodles. Adult size expected between 35-45lbs. Apricot and apricot parti Goldendoodles with curly, wavy and straight coats possible. Puppies raised with Puppy Culture and early neurological stimulation. Raised in our home with our three children, daily handling. Puppy pick is in person or via Zoom at 6-7 weeks old. Puppy price is $3,500 with $500 deposit to hold puppy pick spot which goes towards final cost. Additional waitlist spots opening after puppies arrive on November 7th!
No pups listed yet
Litter: Standard F1b Red Goldendoodles
Status: Past Litter
Breed: Goldendoodle
DOB: 11/10/2023
With Pedigree
Apricot P&Gs Scarlett is our 50lb red AKC poodle. Scarlett is also co-registered with GANA. She is the most affectionate dog you will ever meet and a wonderful mom. Scarlett is expecting her third litter of apricot & red Goldendoodles. This is a repeat litter with Apricot P&Gs Duke. Wavy and curly coats possible.Puppies raised with Puppy Culture and early neurological stimulation. Raised in our home with our three children, daily handling. Puppy pick is in person or via Zoom at 6-7 weeks old. Puppy price is $3,500 with $500 deposit to hold puppy pick spot which goes towards final cost. Additional waitlist spots opening after puppies arrive on November 10th!
No pups listed yet
Our puppies are often reserved before they are born. We offer a select amount of Priority Pick spots before the puppies are born. These spots are reserved with an approved application and a $500 deposit. Once our litter is born, we often open up any remaining puppy pick spots for reservation. Our future families come and choose their puppy out in person or via Zoom a 6-7 weeks old once their budding personalities are showing. We give weekly emails, photos or videos your litter so you are fully prepared to pick out the puppy of your choice. Pick choice is based on the order of deposit with a 1-hour private session. If we do not have the gender or coat that you are wanting during puppy pick day, you may move your $500 deposit ONCE to the next litter of similar offerings.
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