
  • Available
  • Past Litters
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Currently, we do not have any upcoming litters of Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Litter: 7ov9-Jessie & Worf
Status: Past Litter
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
DOB: 11/30/2023
With Pedigree
7 of 9 will have her litter full of Corgi puppies in a few weeks from now, if not already so stay tuned, contact us to have a chat online through zoom or google meet. Alien Country Corgis: with the dedication and determination to clear healthy line of Corgi pups.
No pups listed yet
1. Keep your Corgi friend free of harmful chemicals
2. Give your new puppy a great family-life experience, e.g., play, feed nutritious chemical-free food, play some more.
3. Experience the joy of watching your Corgi's tail for indications that it likes you and likes what you are doing to it.

All other responsbility are present in the contract you will have have with Alien Country Corgis.

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